

N’Ko Resources

Sites Resources Description
N’Ko Institute This site is N’Ko Institute portal to the internet. It purpose is provides the mean entry point to other N’Ko resources, and links around the world.
Kanjamadi “This Site is the mean N’Ko site for those who can read N’Ko” is published by Mamadi Baba Diane.  Mr. Diane is the principal publisher of  N’Ko books, and the N’Ko newspaper ” YELEN”,  ”The Light”. This site is for English speakers.  It includes N’Ko English tutorial, and other resources.  It is published by Mamady Doumbouya from N’Ko Institute. To access paste in your browser:
Fayette State University DR. Diane W. Oyler of Fayetteville State University. Dr. Oyler has written books, and papers on N’Ko, and Manden culture:
N’Ko Alphabet This site provides information on how to read and write N’Ko, while also filling in the historical background of the alphabet’s creator.  Links to publications and N’Ko organization are also included in this site. It published by Christopher Wyrod of  George Washington University.
  A quick Statistic on on N’Ko writing system and language including N’Ko Countries

  • 3handicap on said:
